Many times, the form of a house matters less than what goes inside it. A home doesn’t require expensive furniture and bookshelves arranged by color for it to feel homely as many an interior magazine will suggest.
The way a particular home is decorated largely depends on the people that reside in it and how they choose to express themselves in this larger space.
1) Floors: Rugs and carpets are a good way to help with sound insulation in certain rooms. Without anything to absorb sound, steps echo and can make a space feel emptier than it really is. They also bring a softness and warmth to any room. So introducing textiles is a good way of introducing character and also help absorb sound in your house.
2) Lighting: Often homes and apartments are constructed with the simplest lighting available – a single overhead bulb or extra-bright fluorescent lighting. It is understandable that this is cost-effective but having low and softer lighting brings a more comfortable ambience to your house.
Chandeliers are a great way to cover both the aesthetic and the function side of lighting the room and let me create separate areas for reading, eating, relaxing, etc.
3) Artwork: Artwork is too often written off as being elitist, expensive and frivolous. But from the earliest days, people have decorated their homes with all sorts of things that mean something to them.
From found objects in nature (like collections of shells and pinecones) and family weavings to photographs, sculptures and paintings, art can be anything and everything you want it to be. And, most of all, it adds an element to your home that makes it feel unique to you, your interests and what you find beautiful.
5) Customized Details (Hardware): There are many cases in life when the existing hardware on something is totally fine. But then there are those moments where the little details something comes with are as generic and non-descript as the sad, computer-generated artwork you often see in hotels and conference centers.
Mass-produced and without any relationship to the piece itself, these are areas that are just asking to be changed and customized in a way that makes the object itself feel more personal and at home in your space. Unlike custom surfaces in a home (which are often expensive and time-consuming), customizing small details like hardware is a quick, easy and cheap way to make your house feel more like a home.
Whether you paint your dresser handles a new color, use faux gold-leaf on your lamp bases or dip the legs of your chairs in colorful paint, adding small, personal touches in places that are unexpected makes a noticeable impression on both you and your guests. There are a lot of ideas on the world wide net to customize the details in your house to what would make your house, truly home.
That being said, visit here to get the perfect house to make into your home. From fixer upper to finished product, there is a house for everyone.