Avondale Property for Sale.

DULY INSTRUCTED BY THE SHERIFF OF THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE, SS10/18, BANC ABC VS. TUNDU DISTRIBUTORS PRIVATE LIMITED & ANOTHER. Certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called subdivision C of Lot 29, Block D of Avondale aka  No. 7 Lomagundi Road, Avondale.

Limited Access. A residential property with 4 bedrooms, main ensuite, lounge with fireplace, dining room, study room, separate bathroom and toilet, veranda, 2 roomed staff quarters with toilet and shower, borehole, pool, walled and gated sitting on 4036sqm. Deeds

Going under the hammer this Friday @ 1030am.

Time: 10.30am. Deposit:  $10000

Contact NYARADZO: +263 712 636 370;  SHASHA: 0712 665 636

LAND LINES: +263 (4) 790568,+263 (4) 790603