5 Fundamentals of Modern Education.

In these modern times, it has become increasingly important to shift educational fundamentals to suit the current times. The classroom has become part of the global village and students need to be taught how to now successfully navigate this space while still maintaining the upward trajectory of gaining knowledge and becoming useful members of society. Gone are the days when the educational curriculum was filled with theory and just enough practicals to just pass exams. Here are 5 fundamentals of modern education that can give students higher chances to succeed in this information age:
1. Entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of vision, change, and creation. It requires an application of energy and passion towards the creation and implementation of new ideas and creative solutions. Essential ingredients include the willingness to take calculated risks in terms of time, equity, or career; the ability to formulate an effective venture team; the creative skill to marshal needed resources; and fundamental skill of building solid business plan; and finally, the vision to recognize opportunity where others see chaos, contradiction, and confusion.
It is more than the mere creation of business. Although that is certainly an important facet, it’s not the complete picture. The characteristics of seeking opportunities, taking risks beyond security, and having the tenacity to push an idea through to reality combine into a special perspective that permeates entrepreneurs. This can be effectively taught through school projects.
2. Cooperation: 
Cooperative learning is a method of teaching considered vital to today’s educational environment. Students can be put into smalls groups to complete certain tasks. Cooperation is beneficial because knowledge is exchanged and converged through social interaction.
When the grade of an entire project depends on the group as a whole, students are encouraged to share opinions and knowledge. This offers a less competitive learning environment. Weaker students or those that are less apt to share ideas openly or take part in classroom discussions are encouraged to participate. This helps build self-confidence in those students.
3. Financial Independence: 
One of the biggest steps toward leading an independent life is financial independence. This type of self-sufficiency starts by taking control of your money that you earn and accepting that it is yours to spend. Money is necessary to live and live in our society and it pays learning how to navigate finance. Money management; the process of managing money, including budgeting, investing, banking and taxes should be basic skills students should know.
4. Creativity: 
Creativity is the ability to think in unconventional ways, to take initiative, and to take appropriate risks. It makes your mind active instead of passive. Curious people have active minds and the mind is a muscle; the more you work it the stronger it becomes. It opens up new worlds and possibilities.
Being curious helps you see things that you wouldn’t typically see. Curiosity and imagination leave no time for students to embrace boredom. They are central elements of critical thinking. We need to be curious. Developing their capacity for imagination, creativity and empathy will be increasingly important to their competitive advantage in the future.
5. Technology:
Technology is now at the centre of our world, bringing people from different walks of life together and making the learning process that much richer. The once complicated task of researching can be made much simpler just by access to a computer, tablet, or phone and the internet. Students of these days would be hard pressed to imagine a world where information wasn’t on the tips of their fingers. Computerization means being part of the global village and this means easy ways of sharing information. This opens up a whole lot of possibilities like blogging and vlogging. Content creation is a whole industry now and students can be more than the traditional educational system allowed.
Ensure your child has the right foundation by providing them with the adequate resources that will foster their growth. Visit our website www.html.co.zw for tailor made financial solutions today to assist you in this regard.